Software I’ve Helped Build
The importance of open-source software and publicly accessible data was drilled into me while working as a software engineering intern at Project Jupyter. I’m reminded of it whenever I read an interesting paper and want to understand it better. Embracing Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing motto, I want to test out the method—but this only works when the authors release code to do so.
I hope that including open-source software with each project I work on helps my readers to understand and use my work.
R Packages
bayesNMF: an in progress R package for fitting Bayesian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with a variety of modeling specifications and the option to learn latent rank as part of the Bayesian model.
gridsemblefdr: an R package for estimating local (fdr) and tail-end (Fdr) false discovery rates in large-scale multiple hypothesis testing.
Jupyter Lab Extensions
jupyterlab-git: an extension to use git/GitHub within the JupyterLab environment.
easygit: a minimal JupyterLab extension for basic version control without needing to learn git.
jupyterlab-shortcutui: a JupyterLab extension to edit keyboard shortcuts with a user interface.
plyto: an extension to visualize training of ML models training in real time within the JupyterLab environment.